Friday, September 29, 2006

Police Ducks and Pigeon Whores

My friend Gary arrived from Canada to visit a couple of weekends ago. After resting up a bit and feeding him some tea and other delightfully British things (are scrambled eggs delightfully British?) I decided the perfect introduction to England would be to take him for pub roast lunch with my always amusing friends Alan and Lisa.

Poor the end of the afternoon he thought that the British police, instead of having dogs, protected the public with Police Ducks and that Trafalgar Square has been rid of its bird problems by Ken Livingston's innovative use of Pigeon Whores.

Keeping London's Parks safe....

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Last 10 minutes on a Friday...

...are the slowest minutes EVER!!!

I can't wait to go home to a night of stupidly funny DVDs and picking my bike up from the bike fix-it shop...

Hooray - Hobbes has just phoned...later everyone!