Saturday, July 12, 2008

clean carpets!

Our carpets are being cleaned today.

I am so excited I could cry!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

These feet are made for walking...

Clare has just driven off in the Silver Bullet.

I feel the strangest mixture of absolute relief (no more insurance, repair bills, flat tires and annoying times when I leave a light on and need a jump start!)

But on the other hand, the Bullet has taken me on numerous trips across England, Scotland and Wales, to Germany and back... and in it driving away many happy memories went too. No, that's stupid. The memories didn't drive away in the car - Clare did!

I expect my grief won't last for as long as I imagine it will. It means I will use my travel time a bit more creatively, get a bit more exercise, read even more on public transport, perhaps invest in a better bike and more Polar Bear may find food this winter for my sacrifice.

Yes, my grief may pass quickly - the car is off to a very good home. And I am off to the pub to celebrate Canada Day with a couple of Scottish people.

God Bless the new journeys of the Silver Bullet! And Happy Canada Day, everyone!