Monday, January 29, 2007

Entertainment a-la cheap

I have a lot of extra expenses for February, so I am going to need to find cheap ways of entertaining myself...

My thoughts thus far are:

- Spend a morning taking photos in the docklands (it doesn't get expensive until I really like them and want to enlarge and frame them)
- watch borrowed DVDs (and yes Rich, that includes the Godfather series, so you WILL have it back by the end February)
- sorting and organising things that I've been putting off for months

I am also going to hunt down some inexpensive recipes:
- Shepherd's pie
- Mom's stew
- the beans and pasta that have been in my cupboards for ages...

I'd be happy for any suggestions for either of the above!

The worms are coming! The worms are coming!

I ordered the Flatmate and I a wormery today.

How exciting! More pets!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Getting to that age...

I had a conversation with a friend on Sunday evening who told me about her Saturday night.

"I was out clubbing until 3:00 a.m. and when I woke up this morning I thought 'I am too old to do this'. Then I fell asleep in my chair and woke up with drool on my shoulder. Then I thought 'I'm too old to go clubbing, but too young to wake up with drool on my shoulder'"

Ha ha ha!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Washing The Undies

According the something in the National Post (which I only read because a copy was sitting next to me on the GO Train) on 03 January, "washing the undies" is "blogging about the most tedious, minute, personal non-events". I certainly hope that's not what I subject ya'll to! But I suppose if I do, all I can say is "why do you keep coming back?" :)

I can't believe I leave tomorrow. I decided to come home and pack in this afternoon so that I can have a fun night with friends tonight and a relaxed time with my sister tomorrow (and also so I can find out how much room I have so I can figure out how many Montreal Bagels I can fit in my bag!) I feel very sad. I'm not ready to go back. I was listening to my Joel Plaskett album and tuned in to what he was actually singing just in time to hear:

Someone whispered in my ear
“It’s not like it was before”
I don’t know what happened here
I guess we just got bored
The good old days
Well I suppose, I’m glad they’re behind us now
The only thing worse than growing up
Is never quite learning how
Late at night we toss and we turn
Lay awake ‘til dawn
We close our eyes as the sun comes up we’re gone

Flatmate, be warned...this has probably replaced Death Cab for Cutie as the tear-jerking song! Don't worry though...on the same album is a remedy...but I won't bore the other readers by explaining...that would just be washing my undies.

Time to pack...and then we'll see...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Getting ready to get back on the horse...

This photo is courtesy of Andrea.... I am in love with this new blogger/flickr feature!

Dukes up!

Dukes up!
Originally uploaded by Poofwhatgives.
Canada has made me very agressive. Be warned! :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I fell in love by accident

Spadina Car
Originally uploaded by Poofwhatgives.
Last night I was walking down Spadina to pick up some bits on the way to Liz's for dinner. I hadn't been in this area at night since I lived here and I was recalling how my flatmates and I would meander down Spadina at night quite regularly. I was suddenly overwhelmed by how much I love the Spadina/Kensingston Market area. At no point did I ever think that I'd end up loving and missing Toronto as much as I do...but I do. I fell in love with Toronto by accident, I guess!

I fell in love by accident part 2

China Town at Night
Originally uploaded by Poofwhatgives.
I had forgotten how much I love Spadina at night. I felt so much at home that I could have walked all the way to Front St (but I didn't, because then I would have been late to see Liz!)

Benches at Trinity Square, Toronto

I quite liked this picture I took when I was walking around Toronto with Andrea on Monday. I have probably sat on these benches dozens of times...I wanted to remember the hours I've spent sitting in Toronto whiling away the hours! My sister is in a choir that does lots of concerts here too....

Paper boxes on Bay St

Paper boxes on Bay St
Originally uploaded by Poofwhatgives.
This is my experiment!!! I have successfully connected blogger and flickr! Yay me!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hockey Night!

I decided yesterday that I really wanted to go see the Leafs game! I tried to get returns and late releases but there were none to be had. I didn't consider scalpers because I thought they were illegal. But then Andrea (bless her little cotton socks), even though she had no interest in going herself decided that she would ask the Policemen at the ACC if it was illegal ("excuse me, is buying tickets from scalpers illegal?) Well, as it turns out, selling is, but buying isn't. So, I decided that since I am only in Toronto on occasion these Yesterday afternoon I had the great idea of trying to get tickets for the Leafs game. I tried anddays, I would figure out the morality of it later, and go for it! Andrea went home (having zero interest in watching the game) and Ashley joined me, so we waited for the game to start and then went and got our tickets! We payed face value for them (which helped the morality issue a bit) and then went to find our seats. On our way in I said to Ashley "are we even sitting together?" That's when we learned our first lesson...check these things before buying them! As it turns out, our seats were quite far apart. So, we went to her gate, explained the situation to the pleasant man there (Ashley very cleverly said "we accidentally got seats that aren't together...a thin disguise, but an attempt nonetheless!" and asked if we could sit together if we could find two empty seats. We were told no. So we decided to try my gate. When we got to mine, we were asked to wait for a break in the play so Ashley cleverly hid herself in the crowd of people waiting and we managed to find two seats together! Honestly, this is the most rebellious I think I've been in my whole life!

Mats (my hero) scored two goals and had one assist!

This is a post-fight spread of sticks and gloves (I've mostly posted this one for Rich who seems to think there is nothing to hockey but fights!)

The zambonis between periods for those who have never seen zambonis before!

Again, I hope to post videos eventually, but presently, I have some lunch to be had and some
Ashley and I capturing the moment!

New Years

Andrea and I had a night of East Coastness, whereby we cooked lobster, listened to East Coast Music and watched Anne of Green Gables.

This is (was) my new little buddy, Dinner...

This is Dinner having a bath...

This is Dinner fulilling her destiny...

This is Andrea's friend Barnacle being prepared...


Visiting the PU...

I'm not sure how my family feel about appearing on my blog, so I lposted pictures from around town instead. You will note how there is noooo snow! I couldn't believe it! One can't take pictures of cold, and it was indeed that!

The Canal in late afternoon light...

Encountering some wild turkeys on the road (this was after Christmas, so they didn't double as dinner...

The teeny bit of snow we did get! (This is a snow plough, for those of you who haven't seen one before!)

The suspension bridge...

Well...this is the river the bridge goes over...

The bridge...

Separating us and certain death (and it doesn't help that the bridge goes bounce, bounce, bounce when you walk across!

At the zoo...

My first Thursday of my break was spent with Lemme and Iain at the zoo. Normally I don't take pictures of animals there, but the Rhinos really wanted to make themselves known to the world.

From Canadia...

It would seem that while I have been away, I have been far busier than I had imagined I would be, so instead of updating chronologically, I will be doing some updates thematically. Thanks to Andrea's help and some trial and error on my part, I am learning how to post videos too, so stay tuned for fun updates (please be aware though, that due to plans and the trial and error process this may take a while!)

Wish me luck!!!!