Sunday, July 24, 2005

Battle of the Bird

Mr. Bird and I reached a new understanding today. You see, he's lovely, but in a grumpy Cockatiel sort of way, and on my previous two visits, he has been anything but welcoming towards me. So, today I came to Rich's and let him out of his cage as per usual. I got sucked into an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (which I will blog on in turn) and for the first 45 minutes that Mr. Bird was out of his cage he just sat and looked at me and did his grumpy bird-hissy thing at me whenever I tried to engage him in polite conversation. Well, not being one to lower myself to pleading with a bird to be my friend, and drawing on my social work training and how to draw boundaries with people (and I assumed it extended to stroppy Cockatiels) with naricissitic personality disorder, anti-social personality disorder and the likes, I decided to ignore him. Near the end of the show though, he started chirping and eventually came waddling over to my feet, and evetually started biting at my toes (which Rich has assured me is quite normal for him). "A-ha!" I thought - "'I've won! He caved first!" Then the show was over and it was time for me to go to the next room to work on my social work application. Not wanting to leave him out of the cage unattended however, I decided that I should put him back in (quite logical, yes?) However, he wouldn't have any of it, and was really quite rude to me - biting at me and flapping at me and just being a general tit about it. However, I didn't back down, kept sticking my finger under his feet and after a few tries, like a kid wearing down after a tantrum, he climbed on, biting and sqauking and flapping the whole time. It really reminded me of those kids who you see crying and screaming, but following their mother down the street because they know that they don't really have another option if they ever want to eat again. Anyways, then I gave his cheeks a little rub (he likes that) and put him back in his cage. Oops...I mean house...I put him back in his "house" But I won! He now knows who's in charge, and that I am one who must be obeyed. We're going to be good friends, Mr Bird and I. He was happily chirping away in his house when I was working in the next room (at least I hope that means he's happy) and I can see how birds can be endearing. I've never much cared for them myself (except wild ones. I love them to the point of waking up at unearthly hours of the morning and venturing out to hide in bushes with a pair of binoculars). Anyways, this particular one seems to be growing on me, to the point where I'm convinced that my fish at home were feeling a bit jealous when I said I was off to see him. I think I might even miss Mr Bird when this is all over...

Oh, I've also discovered that Mr Bird and I have similar musical lad!

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