Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Mournful Strains of Neighbour Watching

Living about 7 feet across the alley-way from the neighbours has introduced us to the sport (game/pasttime) of neighbour watching. Last night Danni and Sarah joined K and I for dinner and we established that:

1. Half-naked man is actually quite well built, which is probably why he never seems to wear shirts. I would also think this demonstrates that he may be insecure, because any well-built man would clearly know that he need not walk around his house half-naked to demonstrate to his girlfriend just how well-built he is.

2. Ripply-Half-Naked-Man (as we've now renamed him) and Pretty Eastern European girl are actually a couple (we witnessed a little smooch and hug).

We should note that we don't make a point of peering into their window...we just don't think they realise that even with their blinds down we can still very clearly see in. I think that over time, once things like a TV, internet etc are acquired we'll spend more time in the lounge, and then we'll feel more productive and less nosey. But until then...

Last night Katrin heard the downstairs door next to us open, and then smelled cigarette smoke and heard some low whimpering and then some sniffs. She thinks that Violin-teacher downstairs may have been crying in her garden. How sad. And what a romantic thing for a violin teacher to do...cry in the's what symphonies are based upon.

Oh, and I heard yet more catfights. Apparently we live in the cat-hood. Waking up to these fights are becoming almost a nightly occurence...

1 comment:

  1. Jo, I INTENTIONALLY look into people's houses... and most certainly into my neighbour's, hell yes!
