Friday, April 15, 2005


Yesterday I had my first homeless experience. I had one of those days whereby you spend the day wondering what else can go wrong. I had thought my day of craziness was over, and I was heading off to choir rehearsal when, as soon as I shut the door, I realised that my keys were on the other side of it. I think that must be one of the worst feelings in the world, you know. That sinking feeling thinking of "Well, I'll look in my bag, just incase" as the other half of the brain is realising that you didn't actually grab your keys from your bed as you had planned...

All of this would not have been such a problem had my flatmate not been a few hours' drive away until Monday.


Well, to make a long story short, I realised that I have friends who love me enough not to leave me outdoors on a park bench. I had three bed (well, a floor, and a couple couches) offers. It was a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling actually! My parents will be back on Saturday and fortunately they have a spare key. In the meantime I'm wearing brand new socks and underwear and thanking my lucky stars I just happened to have a change of clothes at work!


  1. Hello...Hello... You have my pill...Hello... I'm cold and there are wolves after me ;)

  2. Oh Mr. X. You're hilarious. I love that you can still work The Simpsons into absolutely everthing! Say hi to the Mrs!
